Station Name Brandon | IAGA Code BRD | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 49.870 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 260.026 | Elevation [m] 380 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2014.042 15019 1446 55253 3 1 2 2014.123 15012 1442 55244 3 1 2 2014.204 15021 1441 55235 3 2 2 2014.288 15025 1440 55222 3 1 2 2014.371 15034 1439 55213 3 1 2 2014.455 15041 1437 55198 3 1 2 2014.538 15043 1437 55187 3 1 2 2014.623 15036 1432 55176 3 1 2 2014.707 15028 1429 55174 3 1 2 2014.790 15028 1429 55163 3 1 2 2014.874 15031 1427 55153 3 1 2 2014.958 15031 1425 55146 3 1 2 2015.042 15034 1423 55135 3 1 2 2015.123 15038 1422 55127 3 1 2 2015.204 15034 1419 55115 3 1 2 2015.288 15043 1419 55106 3 2 2 2015.371 15054 1419 55091 3 1 2 2015.455 15051 1414 55077 3 1 2 2015.538 15054 1414 55074 3 1 2 2015.623 15046 1411 55058 3 1 2 2015.707 15043 1409 55051 3 1 2 2015.790 15047 1407 55041 3 1 2 2015.874 15051 1406 55031 3 1 2 2015.958 15056 1405 55025 3 1 2